Global Rankings
South Africa 129.80
New Zealand 128.63
Ireland 124.60
France 120.51
England 117.23


The system used for our world rugby rankings differs from that used by World Rugby, so our rankings differ from the official rankings. Only teams that qualified for the 2015 or later RWC are included in the rankings. Full Rankings. (Updated February 10, 2025)
Live Predictions

Live Predictions

New Zealand v Australia, Rugby World Cup Final, 2015
Rugby Vision line chart
Predictions at the start of a game are based on past performances and are updated as each minute of game times passes to reflect events as they happen, such as points scored.


Our live predictions will be posted elusively on our Twitter feed. Rugby Vision will make live predictions for major Rugby World Cup games. Contact us via the form below if you would like to include in-play predictions in your game coverage.



Publications and media reports related to Rugby Vision Rugby Vision (RV) is a suite of statistical models that predicts outcomes for major rugby competitions. For each game, RV calculates the expected score margin and the probability of each team winning. RV also calculates the probability of each team obtaining various milestones in a tournament. For more on RV’s methods, see our  2019 Rugby World Cup preview. RV is designed by Niven Winchester, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Motu Economic & Public Policy Research.

Before ‘betting the farm’ on Rugby Vision’s predictions, remember that 22/22 vision is like looking into the future while wearing someone else’s glasses: sometimes you get the right prescription, but occasionally it is like trying to focus after being steamrolled by Brodie Retallick!